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Project Roadmap

The projects described here are longer-term, multi-stage projects. Routine bugfixes, troubleshooting, and everyday tickets are not reflected here. All timelines are approximate and subject to change.

If you have a question about this list or the status of a project or ticket, please contact Julie Shedd.

We use a decision matrix to help us prioritize projects:

  • Priority 1: Relatively quick and easy to do, or needed as soon as possible.
  • Priority 2: Relatively easy to do, but takes a bit more time, or isn't needed immediately.
  • Priority 3: More difficult to do, but could be done quickly once the foundations are laid.
  • Priority 4: Difficult or time-consuming to do; requires extensive investigation.

In progress

Rooms updates

Priority 1

Create a new user interface for finding and reserving rooms, integrating LibCal's new reservation interface.

Rooms user studies

Priority 1

Investigate success and pain points of the online room reservation process to help inform the new user interface.

Division / unit list page

Priority 2

Create a tree view that accurately represents division/unit hierarchy. This page will replace the static image-based organizational chart.

Satisfaction survey

Priority 2

Create a simplified survey that we can use between LibQual years.

Website overhaul: Content review

Priority 2

Review all pages on the website in preparation for updating and restructuring.

MAGNOLIA website transfer to MLC

Priority 2

Transfer the MAGNOLIA website and all maintenance/support thereof to the Mississippi Library Commission.

On hold / under investigation

USGPL website enhancements

Priority 3

Better integrate images and video; include more content about President Grant; and make existing features work better.

Digital Collections user studies

Priority 3

Investigate how people use and find materials in Digital Collections.

Update content standards

Priority 3

Integrate MSU's new brand identity standards into existing MSU Libraries content standards.

Not started

Travel request form online setup

Priority 4

Replace current PDF travel request form with an electronic version that supports workflow stages.