Funding Priorities

Build exemplary collections
Help us build our collections, including digital and online collections that provide 24/7 access to important scholarly journals and databases.

Acquire, digitize, and enhance unique collections documenting MS history
Through collections of original documents, correspondence, pamphlets, and memorabilia, historians can research agricultural and rural life, the American Civil War, the Civil Rights Movement, and more.

Create inviting facilities
Your support enables us to enhance our physical spaces with comfortable seating, room for individual and group work, and areas that facilitate teaching and learning.

Provide innovative tools and technology
Cutting-edge technology - including 3D printers and other "makerspace" machinery, high-end computers, audio and video recording facilities, and more - are now expected of academic libraries.

Host programs and events that educate and engage
MSU Libraries hosts scholarly lecture series, research and technology workshops, film screenings, an annual music festival, and other events that enrich the research, work, and cultural life of the MSU community.

Naming opportunities
Leave a lasting legacy - name a technology lab, meeting room, or studio in Mitchell Memorial Library, College of Veterinary Medicine Library, Bob and Kathy Luke Architecture Library, Phil Hardin Foundation Libraries, or Gertrude C. Ford Foundation Library.